Monday, September 20, 2010

Pregnant in a Singles' Ward ~ Goodbye 195th Ward

So Mark threatened to put in the Sacrament program that I was pregnant. Instead I go up and bear my testimony and talk about getting pregnant. The Stake President was there that day. Bad move! Yesterday Mark got released from the Bishopric. Granted we've been there longer than we're supposed to be, and they're doing this to help us more than anything else, but I'm still so sad about this whole thing! We're not in the ward, so it's not like we're still going to see everyone like in a normal situation. We're gone! I cried all day because I love these people so much and we're no longer going to be with them.

Just know 195th ward, you're always welcomed to our home and we're always available to help you with anything you need. Thank you for the past 18 months. We love you.